Full professor, Department of Informatics Engineering, FCTUC, University of Coimbra
Founder of the Software and Systems Engineering research Group, CISUC
My research interests include software quality and software reliability, experimental evaluation of dependable computing systems, verification and validation, dependability and security benchmarking and fault injection techniques.
My recent projects involve two research directions:
Assured AI
- How to architect the safe and secure integration of AI technology in safety critical applications?
- How to demonstrate that the use of AI technology in safety-critical functions is compatible with strong safety and security requirements?
Human factors in software engineering
- How to use biometrics to improve code quality (Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering)?
- How to use human error models and emotions to improve software development.
Short CV
Henrique Madeira is full professor at the University of Coimbra, where he has been involved in the research on dependable computing since 1989. His main research interests focus on experimental evaluation of dependable computing systems, including security evaluation and benchmarking, fault injection techniques, error detection mechanisms, and transactional systems dependability, subjects on which he has authored or co-authored more than 250 papers in refereed conferences and journals (Google Scholar profile)
Henrique Madeira has coordinated or participated in more than 30 projects funded by European Union the and by the Portuguese Government. He was the Vice-Chair of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 Special Interest Group (SIG) on Dependability Benchmarking from the establishment of the SIG in the summer of 1999 until 2002. He was Program Co-Chair of the International Performance and Dependability Symposium track of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-PDS2004, and Conference Coordinator of the IEEE/IFIP DSN in 2008. Henrique Madeira was General Co-Chair of the 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2020, and is appointed as General Co-Chair of IEEE/IFIP DSN in 2023. He has also organized several Workshops and other scientific events. He has also been asked to be reviewer for many international conferences and journals and he has served on program committees of the major conferences of the dependability and software reliability areas.
Henrique Madeira has served as Head of the Department of Informatics Engineering at University of Coimbra from 2002-2004, President of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of University of Coimbra from 2006-2008, and Head of the Scientific Council of the Department of Informatics Engineering at University of Coimbra from 2005-2006 and during a short period in 2009, before being appointed as Vice-Rector in October 2009. He served as Vice-rector for 4 years, and was responsible, among other duties, for the innovation policy of the University. This includes the leadership of the regional innovation ecosystem (INOV.C) that comprises the University of Coimbra, its research centers, and its business incubator (Institute Pedro Nunes, that won the World Best Science Based Incubator Award in 2010), in addition to the regional industrial parks and the regional community players.
Henrique Madeira was a founding member of the spin-off company Critical Software SA.
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